Sunday, December 6, 2009

Week Two Advent Devotion

Below you will find the devotion for the second week of Advent. Just click on the video to watch. This week's devotion is given by Alison Wright, Minister of Discipleship at Sam Jones Memorial United Methodist Church.

After viewing the devotion you are encouraged to respond in one or both of the following ways.
  • Question for Personal Reflection. This question is provided to help you spend time alone with God in relation to the devotion. The question for this week's devotion is:

In your time with God, explore this question with God: Is there any area in my life where I doubt that God is active and that God's plan will ultimately prevail? If so, ask God to help you explore why this is so and to speak His Word into this area of your life.

  • Question for Community Discussion. This question is provided to allow anyone who views the devotion to discuss their response to the message of the devotion. To enter the discussion, click on "Comment" below this week's video. Then type your comment in the "Post a Comment" box. Below the box you will see "Comment as:." If you have an account through one of those types you can choose that account. Otherwise you can choose anonymous. (If you choose anonymous you might consider signing your name at the end of your comment since it will not show up otherwise.) The question for this week's devotion is:

Where do you see evidence in our community or the world that God is active and that the hope, joy, peace, and love of Christ are becoming more apparent?

Many blessings as you continue on your Advent journey to the Holy Night on which the Christ Child was born!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful start to my day and this week! May what we grasp from the advent videos be carried through our lives daily.
